Friday, September 30, 2016

The Joy of Life

This past week in class we talked about the different dynamics that a family has as well as how it is appropriate to address problems that may be hard to handle at times. Everyone has problems sometimes and we just have to be aware and kind to those all around us because we never know what they may be dealing with. I know that within my own family we have very different dynamics then compared to those who live across the street from me. Growing up in a big family has had its challenges but at the end of the day we all love one another and try to be better people in the end. I personally feel that I have been blessed beyond my now imagination and I thank God everyday for all that I have been given and I'm blessed for the circumstances that I'm in no matter the bad days that some ahead of me.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The World Population

A major topic that I was able to discuss with my class mates this last week was the decrease of the world population. Many do not realize the trouble that we are in world wide, the population of the world is slowly decreasing over time. Couples just don't want to have kids, this isn't the case for everyone but a massive majority have decided that having children just isn't in their plans. People re starting to believe that children are going to be more of a burden then they are willing to take on at any point in their lives. One of many reason why this decrease of the population is such a big deal is now many of those who want to retire will have to now wait till a later age to do so because the government can't provide them with enough money to allow them to retire at a decent age. This isn't the only one, soon we will have such a massive need for people to fill jobs but soon there just won't be enough to get the job done. It is scary to think of the rate at the population is dropping and there just isn't enough children being born to help fill that need.

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Family

Family is one of the most important parts of my life, ever since I was a young girl I can remember my parents constantly telling me that one of their biggest accomplishments on this earth is creating a family and teaching about the rights and the wrongs among many other things while they have this time here on earth. I agree completely with my parents, I am not yet married but I do have this goal in mind in the future when I have a family of my own someday. Of the things that we are being taught in this class this semester I feel will set a foundation for the rest of my time here at BYU-Idaho just because it is so critical to my major and my emphasis. I am extremely excited and thrilled that I have finally found something that is going to make me very happy and that will one day provide a career for myself.