Saturday, September 24, 2016

The World Population

A major topic that I was able to discuss with my class mates this last week was the decrease of the world population. Many do not realize the trouble that we are in world wide, the population of the world is slowly decreasing over time. Couples just don't want to have kids, this isn't the case for everyone but a massive majority have decided that having children just isn't in their plans. People re starting to believe that children are going to be more of a burden then they are willing to take on at any point in their lives. One of many reason why this decrease of the population is such a big deal is now many of those who want to retire will have to now wait till a later age to do so because the government can't provide them with enough money to allow them to retire at a decent age. This isn't the only one, soon we will have such a massive need for people to fill jobs but soon there just won't be enough to get the job done. It is scary to think of the rate at the population is dropping and there just isn't enough children being born to help fill that need.

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