Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Wonderful Subject of Dating

This past week in class we got the opportunity to be able to explore the topic of dating in todays society. In the beginning of the week we were asked to make a list of possible ways to get to know someone so that you could eventully ask them out on a possible date. Some of the important aspects that my professor touched on this week in the importance of these four concepts, togetherness, talk (mutual self discloser), time, and know. Each of these topics play a key role in any relationship and in especially getting to know that special someone that you've had an eye on for so long. Being able to work with your partner on all of these key topics will definitely make your relationship grow in one way or another.

Later on in the week we had the opportunity to talk about the different stages in a relationship, this then consists of dating, courtship, engagement, and then finally marriage. But after you enter that marriage dose not mean you are done dating them or courting them. It is important to remember that we need to be constantly putting our full forth effort into a relationship so that we are then able to have that better relationship with our significant other. One of the final things that we were able to talk about in class this week is the three things that truly make a date a date. The three that my instructor talked with us about was a date needs to be planned, paired off, and paid for. The reason that these three are the main characteristics is because without these there is no date whatsoever. If you have any insights to dating please comment down below I would love to hear from you all! Have a wonderful week!

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