Friday, October 7, 2016

The Cost of Getting Ahead

This past week in my family relations class we talked about the struggles and trials that many Mexican American families have when they immigrate to America. At the beginning of the week we were given this article that talked about the steps required for a a family down in Mexico to get to America, truthfully I thought I had a decent understanding for the requirements to get to American but in all reality it takes a lot more then I realized. In short they have to send over the father first so that he can find a place to stay and begin to earn money for their family back home so that they can eventually make it to the United States, this process takes about 3 years. Then the family has to start their journey to America and that could take up to 6 months for the family to get over depending on who they go through to get across the boarder. Once the family is then reunited they are all undocumented so no one in the family can get a decent job, therefore everyone is stuck working in jobs that could potentially pay very low and that is usually the case. At the end of reading this article it made me have a deeper understanding and appreciation for what any of these families go trough in order to get to America so that their children can have a better life and better eduction in the future.

After reading this article I arrived to class the next day and my professor wanted to do a demonstration about the families that travel from Mexico. Basically what he did was ask for  volunteers from the class to represent a family from Mexico and they then made up a scenario about many of the situations that Mexican American have to go through. When we were able to do this I feel that it gave me more of an understanding of what these people have to go through that are undocumented citizens. Furthermore on the subject it gave me more of an appreciation for being born in a country that has given me so many wonderful opportunities to go to school, among other things.

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