Saturday, November 19, 2016

Communication & Mutual Problem Solving

This past week in class we had the opportunity to go and tale about the different types of communication that this used in the home and how to effectively use these forms of communication. One of the forms of communication that we talked about is coming together and to have a family council. This form of communication has been proven to be very effective in the home and in order to truly make it effective you have to regularly have family councils with everyone. If you don't follow this trend then you are in jeopardy of not being able to communicate fully and effectively with everyone one in the home.

Another form of communication that we talked about in class is the importance of a husband and a wife to come together and council. This is yet another very effective way for couples to come together and talk about the issues and problems that each of them may have with one another. And this also allows them to talk about private matters with no one around to observe the issues you two may have and not want anyone to know but the two of you together. In conclusion there are manny different ways in which a couple can come together and talk about certain matters concerning the family and it being effective at this time.

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