Monday, November 28, 2016


This past week in my family relations class we talked about the role that the father plays in the family as well as i any relationship that involves children. Father have more of an impact then we realize, our fathers may have been at work five days a week and you only get to see them on the weekends but they still played a significant role in the family to the point that if the child's relationship with the father the whole family could potentially break under pressure. Fathers have been known as the main providers in the family and will continue to play that role in the future. Kids are very much dependent upon many of the actions that the father performs in the family at any given moment.

Furthermore the father is the one that is very dominant in the family and many children want to have a very strong and trustworthy relationship with the father of the house. Don't get me wrong the role of the mother is just as important but both the father and the mother have different roles and therefor it gives them each a place in the home.

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