Friday, November 4, 2016

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

Once again this week in class we touched on a very sensitive subject, Sexual Intimacy and Family Life. When discussing this topic in class we came across how difficult it is to talk about this such subject, so many questions that wanted to be answered but many not being able to voice their opinions and thoughts due to the fact that they were scared about what others might think. Soon we were able to break it down to the basics of intimacy and we then went from there. We talked about the author by the name of Laura Brotherson, she is the author of the very popular book by the name of And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment and Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage. In detail she talks about all the in's and out's of marriage and intimacy. 

Later on in the week we also got the opportunity to ask any question we wanted on the matter of marital intimacy. It was all anonymous, before we got to class we were asked to write our question on a note card and hand it to our professor before class starts and then we were able to go through all of the questions one by one and discuss all things relating to marriage and intimacy. Overall the week was very informative and I feel that I learned a lot this past week that  I had never known on this subject before. 

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