Friday, November 11, 2016

The Family Under Stress

This past week in class we got the opportunity to talk about some of the different types of stressors that the family faces throughout different stages in the family development. As a class we talked about a very extreme situation where the family was placed under a lot of stress when a member of the family was admitted to the hospital, when this event tok place it was extremely hard on the family members. As time went on it put an intense amount of stress upon the family at this time. This then caused the family to falter under pressure, once this happened is caused some relationships to break within the family.  Soon the child that was admitted to the hospital passed away and caused a deep sorrow to spread in the family.

Once this event then settled in the family there was some healing that needed to be done within the walls of the home. Over time they soon came together but a tragedy very similar to the first event had appeared within the family. Now since they fell apart the fist time around they knew that they needed to handle this situation very differently so that they wouldn't fall apart the second time around. Since they had this mentality they were able to come together. Not every family will react the same way to every situation but we can come together if we put the effort in so that we can then come closer together.

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