Monday, December 5, 2016

Divorce & Remarriage

This past week in class we had the opportunity to talk about families that have had to deal with divorced parents. This can be a very sensitive subject to those that have had to deal with divorce in the past. I personally come from a family of divorced parents, it has taken many years to over come some of the problems that I have received through this experience. But again over the years I have been able to over come many of the things that I have struggled with in the past through communication with my parents and other family members. Being able to talk some things out have helped me become a better individual and allow me to better communicate with those around me at this point in my life.

Being able to reach out to others that have also had to deal with parents of divorced families has helped me not only help those around me but allow me to understand my own problems better. Being able to confront your problem and not hide it from the world also has its benefits. Keeping all of that information in can not be good for your mental well being. During this process of dealing with the divorce of your parents you also have to work hard at not being able to consolidate so much information to yourself, this could potentially be harmful  to you and possibly those around you. In conclusion to this matter, there are many different ways in with you can help this issue you just have to be willing to put the work in yourself.

Friday, December 2, 2016


This past week in class we had the opportunity to go over some very effective parenting methods that will benefit any parent in the future when they decide to have children. We talked about the importance of being able to openly talk to your teens about sensitive subjects and being able to discipline them effectively and efficiently. e thing in particular that we talked about is being able to tell you children no. Too many children these days are given whatever they please because the parents want to make them happy, this actually is hurting our children and not helping them.

The reason this can be detrimental is because the children don't have to work for what they have, they have to learn how to work and and earn the things that they want. When they learn to work hard and earn what they have they then they start to appreciate what they have more because they have had to work for what they have.

Monday, November 28, 2016


This past week in my family relations class we talked about the role that the father plays in the family as well as i any relationship that involves children. Father have more of an impact then we realize, our fathers may have been at work five days a week and you only get to see them on the weekends but they still played a significant role in the family to the point that if the child's relationship with the father the whole family could potentially break under pressure. Fathers have been known as the main providers in the family and will continue to play that role in the future. Kids are very much dependent upon many of the actions that the father performs in the family at any given moment.

Furthermore the father is the one that is very dominant in the family and many children want to have a very strong and trustworthy relationship with the father of the house. Don't get me wrong the role of the mother is just as important but both the father and the mother have different roles and therefor it gives them each a place in the home.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Communication & Mutual Problem Solving

This past week in class we had the opportunity to go and tale about the different types of communication that this used in the home and how to effectively use these forms of communication. One of the forms of communication that we talked about is coming together and to have a family council. This form of communication has been proven to be very effective in the home and in order to truly make it effective you have to regularly have family councils with everyone. If you don't follow this trend then you are in jeopardy of not being able to communicate fully and effectively with everyone one in the home.

Another form of communication that we talked about in class is the importance of a husband and a wife to come together and council. This is yet another very effective way for couples to come together and talk about the issues and problems that each of them may have with one another. And this also allows them to talk about private matters with no one around to observe the issues you two may have and not want anyone to know but the two of you together. In conclusion there are manny different ways in which a couple can come together and talk about certain matters concerning the family and it being effective at this time.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Family Under Stress

This past week in class we got the opportunity to talk about some of the different types of stressors that the family faces throughout different stages in the family development. As a class we talked about a very extreme situation where the family was placed under a lot of stress when a member of the family was admitted to the hospital, when this event tok place it was extremely hard on the family members. As time went on it put an intense amount of stress upon the family at this time. This then caused the family to falter under pressure, once this happened is caused some relationships to break within the family.  Soon the child that was admitted to the hospital passed away and caused a deep sorrow to spread in the family.

Once this event then settled in the family there was some healing that needed to be done within the walls of the home. Over time they soon came together but a tragedy very similar to the first event had appeared within the family. Now since they fell apart the fist time around they knew that they needed to handle this situation very differently so that they wouldn't fall apart the second time around. Since they had this mentality they were able to come together. Not every family will react the same way to every situation but we can come together if we put the effort in so that we can then come closer together.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

Once again this week in class we touched on a very sensitive subject, Sexual Intimacy and Family Life. When discussing this topic in class we came across how difficult it is to talk about this such subject, so many questions that wanted to be answered but many not being able to voice their opinions and thoughts due to the fact that they were scared about what others might think. Soon we were able to break it down to the basics of intimacy and we then went from there. We talked about the author by the name of Laura Brotherson, she is the author of the very popular book by the name of And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment and Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage. In detail she talks about all the in's and out's of marriage and intimacy. 

Later on in the week we also got the opportunity to ask any question we wanted on the matter of marital intimacy. It was all anonymous, before we got to class we were asked to write our question on a note card and hand it to our professor before class starts and then we were able to go through all of the questions one by one and discuss all things relating to marriage and intimacy. Overall the week was very informative and I feel that I learned a lot this past week that  I had never known on this subject before. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Engagement process...

This past week in the class we had the opportunity to talk about the some of the struggles and trials that many couples first have when married. When first engaged this whole new world is opened up to you and you start to plan for one of the most important days in your entire life. This can become an overwhelming when trying to plan for this wedding that you potentially want to have very soon in the future. Thus begins this new journey that you and your fiancé get to take together, wait but for some this isn't the case. When planning for this wonderful event it should be planned with the help of friends and family but not entirely with them. It is very important to get the help from family and friends but most don't really include this new soon to be husband help in any of the planning. In class we talked about how this is a lost opportunity for the man if he is not able to be apart of this new planning process. It has been found in studies that if you let the man help with this planning process then you will be able to drive better in the future.

Another topic that we discussed in class is how many could do nothing but the planning for the wedding and don't plan for the actual marriage. Like I said above we need to include the husband but when it becomes too much and we don't art to plan about the little things like, where the couple is going to live after they are married, how many children they want to have some day, and other things then this could potentially jeopardize the couple. When planning for a marriage we need to be able to find a good balance between the two and if we can't that is when the problems start to arise.